What Is 4-H all about?

4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering. In 4-H, young people make new friends, develop new skills, become leaders and help shape their communities.
More than 65,000 Texas youth are enrolled members of 4-H community clubs in Texas. Another 850,000 Texas youth get involved in 4-H through special educational opportunities at school, in after school programs, or at neighborhood or youth centers. These youth live in cities, suburbs, small towns and rural communities. Approximately 400 Medina County youth are enrolled in 4-H every year.
4-H gives them a chance to pursue their own interests – from photography to computers, from building rockets to raising sheep. They go places – to camp, to state and national conferences. They learn to be leaders and active citizens.
In 4-H clubs, they serve as officers and learn to conduct meetings, handle club funds, and facilitate group decision-making. In a growing number of communities, 4-H youth serve as youth representatives in municipal or county government or as members of Teen Courts. They give back to their communities. 4-H members get involved in volunteer projects to protect the environment, mentor younger children and help people who are less fortunate.
Medina County is fortunate to have six active 4-H Clubs throughout the county. Castroville, Devine, D’Hanis, Hondo, LaCoste and Rio Medina all have clubs for youth 3rd grade to 12th grade. 4-H has a long list of projects available to its members with the most popular in Medina County being, Food and Nutrition, Photography, Consumer Decision Making, Leadership, Shooting Sports, and Animal Projects such as Beef, Sheep and Goats, Swine, Poultry and Rabbits.
The new 4-H year will begin on September 1st with enrollment online at https://texas.4honline.com. Enrollment fee is $25 from September 1st through October 31st. After October 31st a late fee will be added.
For more information regarding 4-H please contact the Extension office at 830.741.6180 or email Debby Bodenchuk, 4-H Program Assistant, at dgbodenchuk@ag.tamu.edu
IMPORTANT DEADLINES …If you are planning on showing Lambs or Goats this year you need to purchase your validation tags no later than Monday, August 16th. These tags are required for any stock show.
If you are interested in showing Turkeys at a major stock show Turkey orders are due Monday, August 23rd.
Order forms for these three species can be found online at https://medina.agrilife.org/publications/livestock-projects/or you can pick them up at the Extension office located at 1506 Ave M in Hondo. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 pm. If you have questions regarding 4-H or any 4-H projects please call the office at 830.741.6180.