Things & Stuff

Been a little warm lately but, there is a chance for some rain so, keep prayin. We missed the hurricane remnants cause we were in Florida watching it on TV. The eye passed over Jason and Nickie’s house in Magnolia, Texas and they got another foot of rain.
Everybody has seen the assassination attempt on Trump so I ain’t gonna dwell on it except to say that as a Sniper for the SAPD SWAT team for 4 years, I have lotsa questions and I’ll leave it at that….and so far, even after news reports and Congressional Hearings, they ain’t been answered.
By the time this comes out, we would have already had our MCRP meeting and discussed the upcoming elections and our role in them. Noticed that at the National Convention, unity and strength were highlighted. This starts at the local level.

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Things & Stuff

Been a real dry week since the last rain but, supposedly there is some coming in.S Just got to wait and see but, pray for it in the meantime.
See where the adults in the room aren’t gonna let the guy who thinks he’s a girl swim in the Olympics as a female. That was a no brainer decision if ever there was one. Guess the Olympic Committee does not subscribe to the loony liberal left.

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End Zone Celebrations…

I ain’t gonna do it….but, there is a lot of interesting news goin on. I would suggest that those who usually get their information from the mainstream media watch Fox once in a while. I know that I heard one reporter call the City of Eagle Pass “Illegal Pass”, but I think it was a slip of the tongue.

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Getting cooler finally…

Getting cooler finally…could be (for those of you who read last week’s edition) cause Lewis Stroud had a meeting with the Pope. Or, it could be because it is that time of year. And, no, it is not because of global warming. Global warming is a farce being force fed to the populace to further an agenda that is ultimately designed to make the American people compliant with the will of the Federal Government. Kinda early to rant ain’t it?

Continue reading “Getting cooler finally…”

Fill Medina Lake

We got some decent rain last week…bout 0.9 inches out Black Creek way. Got my yard fertilizer out at just the right time. Got 3.5 inches so far this year. Hallylouya!! Now pray for a turd floatin gully washer that will fill Medina Lake. Hope everyone had a Blessed Resurrection Sunday. We had a house full but, still a lot missing.
I am sure that everyone is looking forward to April 15th. The day that we get to send money to the Government so that the illegal aliens can have a means of income and we can continue the flood of money used to fund countries that hate us. I had to send them an extra $1,408 on top of the $12,367 what was already taken from my paycheck. Thought that our Supreme Leader said that people who made under $400,000 would not see an increase (and I made way, way under that amount)….what a relayer of falsehoods.
With all the legal (?) actions surrounding potential favorites not of the current ruling party, looks like we are a couple steps away from a Banana Republic system of government where the opposition disappears. Seems like we are living in a country headed for the likes of the one our Founding Fathers fought to escape.
See where the City Council decided to remove the Drainage Bond issue from the ballot. Drainage has been an issue since Colonial Oaks was developed. Seems the developers forgot to provide drainage to a couple low areas that would be used by a farmer or rancher nowadays as a stock tank. Underground culverts or more streets like Upson seem to be needed to properly drain the problem areas.
Looked at the Commissioners Court Agenda but, other than the usual business, nothing notable transpired. Considering the weather, the 4 wheel drive nuts and the theft of signage, looks like the Pct 4 Commissioner and crew finished paving CR 777 and it turned out excellent. Vehicles can now pass each other without knocking off mirrors and there are no potholes to dodge.
Lewis Stroud sent me a bunch of Kamela Harris quotes the other day…tried to read them but, all I got was a headache from trying to make sense out of them. Thanks a lot Stroud.
I checked on my guns the other day. They had not decided to run amok or take off and shoot someone. In fact, the lazy things just laid there. Didn’t do nothing but attain room temperature. They been trained. It’s the lunatics and those not raised proper that make them functional in the wrong way resulting in the tragedies we see on the news.