Things & Stuff

On Friday, we got rain…sprinkled for about 45 seconds but, it sounded good and smelled good…hit the concrete driveway and evaporated. Evidently, there is a few more praying for rain but, not enough.

I went to the EMS meeting on the 20th, along with about 18 or 15 others and was witness to an unorganized, sham of a meeting that had several folks wondering if it was even legal. I’m gonna leave this alone because the newspaper was there and will expound on it in depth. According to one of the posted notices on the window of the meeting room was the phrase “the people of MCESD #4 have spoken”. I don’t think that this is an accurate statement.

Also went to the Commissioners Court meeting on Monday and attempted to address my concerns with the increase in the Tax Rate using my own math calculations. Using numbers from Tax Central (told Melissa Lutz that I wouldn’t use her name) I came up with a $79,055 net gain for Medina County using the new rate of 0.4511 per $100 valuation instead of the current rate of $.4356. My thoughts were leave it the same. Don’t know if they will or not but, I went and spoke up.

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Things & Stuff

Well, Fall is almost here. Don’t need to mention the heat and the temporary dry spell we in right now. Lord is gonna make it rain soon….next time for sure.
I apologized for my actions in Sunday School that caused us to miss a rain event. Ten or twelve days ago, there was lightning and thunder to the north of us towards Biry and you could feel the cool wind and smell the rain…soon as I went outside and rolled up the windows on my truck, it dissipated. Sorry.
On August 20th at 6:30 PM, there will be a Public Hearing at the Devine EMS building on Dixon St. The public is encouraged to attend and discuss the 57% tax increase “needed” to fund their own ambulance service. I gotta lotta questions.

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Things & Stuff

Been a little warm lately but, there is a chance for some rain so, keep prayin. We missed the hurricane remnants cause we were in Florida watching it on TV. The eye passed over Jason and Nickie’s house in Magnolia, Texas and they got another foot of rain.
Everybody has seen the assassination attempt on Trump so I ain’t gonna dwell on it except to say that as a Sniper for the SAPD SWAT team for 4 years, I have lotsa questions and I’ll leave it at that….and so far, even after news reports and Congressional Hearings, they ain’t been answered.
By the time this comes out, we would have already had our MCRP meeting and discussed the upcoming elections and our role in them. Noticed that at the National Convention, unity and strength were highlighted. This starts at the local level.

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Things & Stuff

Been a real dry week since the last rain but, supposedly there is some coming in.S Just got to wait and see but, pray for it in the meantime.
See where the adults in the room aren’t gonna let the guy who thinks he’s a girl swim in the Olympics as a female. That was a no brainer decision if ever there was one. Guess the Olympic Committee does not subscribe to the loony liberal left.

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End Zone Celebrations…

I ain’t gonna do it….but, there is a lot of interesting news goin on. I would suggest that those who usually get their information from the mainstream media watch Fox once in a while. I know that I heard one reporter call the City of Eagle Pass “Illegal Pass”, but I think it was a slip of the tongue.

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