Aldermen sworn in at Natalia City Council meeting

By Catherine Richard
Mike Fernandez, Samuel Smith and Selica Vera were sworn in by the City Administrator and Secretary, Nichole Bermea, for another two-year term as aldermen during Natalia’s City Council meeting on Nov. 18.
Alderman Sam Smith was nominated to serve a one-year term as mayor pro-term by Selica Vera. Smith served in this role from 2023-2024 and willingly accepted the position.
The results from the Nov. 5 general election were accepted and approved by the board.
Ruberta Vera, Laura Kay Gallagher and Brenda Fernandez were reappointed for another two-year term on the Natalia Municipal District Board of Directors.
In anticipation of the first annual Christmas Night in Natalia event on Dec. 5, Lysette Clark updated the council on the arrangements being made.
“It’s bigger than what we thought it would be,” said Clark.
The event has been met with enthusiasm and support, as 54 parade entries have been made and more than 50 vendors have signed up. MOVE.FIT.LIVE., a fitness center based in San Antonio, volunteered to begin the parade with a group run at 6:30 p.m. The school bands from Natalia and Devine will be performing for the event and the Volunteer Fire Department will be attending.
“I want to publicly thank you for stepping forward as community members,” said…

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VOTING INFO for Medina County residents and Natalia elections

Early voting kicked off this week and will continue Oct 21-25th (8am-5pm), Saturday Oct. 26 (7am7pm), Sunday Oct. 27 (9am-3pm), and Monday-Fri October 28th-November 1 (7am-7pm).
Voters can vote anywhere in the county including at the Medina County Courthouse Annex in Hondo, Medina County Pct 4 Annex building in Devine at 317 Hwy 132N, and the Medina County Pct 2 building in Castroville at 8366 FM 471 South. See page 4 for more.
Election Day will be Tuesday, November 5 (7am-7pm).
Look for a sample ballot on


Along with National and State elections which are ongoing, there are two big races for Natalia residents including a City Council election and a School Board election.

There are four candidates vying for positions on Natalia City Council. The candidates are: Mike Fernandez, Selica L Vera, Sam Smith and Valerie Michelle Naff.
The are four candidates are vying for 3 positions on the school board. The Natalia School board candidates are: Andrew Besa, Eric Smith, Fernando Garza, and Tracy Myers.

While this news story is provided free access, please consider becoming a member to support our local newsroom covering important local city, county, and school news!

Natalia Council approves ‘24 tax rate

By Catherine Richard
The Natalia City Council approved the Little League’s use of the Natalia Veterans Memorial Sportsplex and the 2024-2025 tax rate and budget on Sept. 23 at the Natalia Council Chambers.
Jaime Gomez, president of the Little League, requested a renewal for the Little League’s one-year contract.
Under the 2023 lease, Little League made multiple upgrades to the sportsplex facilities, repairing broken windows, installing storage systems, and constructing coverings to provide shade for the home side spectators.
The City Council approved the renewal and extended the lease of the sportsplex for another two years.
“I am pleased with the decision last night,” Gomez said.
Along with other repairs and improvements, the Little League’s future projects include making improvements to the bathroom and installing and AED for emergency situations.
There were some disputes over the use of the sportsplex, specifically when it came to the allowance for other sports teams to use the field. Further decisions will have to be made which will determine…


Natalia discusses terms for new EMS station

By Victoria Arredondo
Staff Writer

On March 18, the Natalia City Council held their regular meeting. The council passed a motion to accept the interlocal agreement between the City of Natalia and Medina County Emergency Services District No. 4 regarding construction and operation of a 24-hour EMS station.
“I think this is going to be something that’s very much needed,” council member Ruby Vera said. “Some of you may or may not have been on council back when EMS and ESD was established, one of the things we insisted on — but didn’t have a place to put the ambulance — was to have an ambulance here in Natalia on a 24-hour basis, and this is going to…


Natalia Council discusses concerns of hazardous material being burned, votes for flat fee to rent ballpark

By: Victoria Arredondo
Staff Writer

A Natalia City Council member raised concerns of hazardous material being burned in town.
“The last few months, there’s some major burning in the city. I got some calls on it saying that a few people are burning copper wire and all kinds of stuff in a pit in town,” council member Darin Frazier said at the council meeting Jan. 22. “They were written up apparently multiple times — I got like 15…


Election Info…

City of Devine Voters-

All registered voters in Devine can vote in the mayoral race, and early voting is now underway at City Hall.
There are two contested races in the City of Devine, including:
Mayoral Race
-Cory Thompson (i) and
challenger Butch Cook.

District 2 Race
-Angela Pichardo (i) and challenger Michael Hernandez

Distict 5 councilwoman Debbie Randall is unopposed.

Early Voting:
April 24-28, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.;
May 1-2, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Early Voting one Saturday, April 29 – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Election day: May 6, 2023, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
You can Vote at City Hall, 303 S. Teel, Devine.

Devine ISD Voters-
Polling locations in both Medina and Frio Counties

Vote For or Against the following Bond issues:

Proposition A – 31.5 Million for Safety and Renovations of Schools, Band Hall

Proposition B – 1.5 Million – for 4 New Tennis Courts

Medina County Polls:
Vote at Medina County Precinct 4 Annex Building this year (317 TX-132 N, Devine).
Early Voting: April 24-28, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday April 29 9am-2pm; May 1-2, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. May 6, 2023 (Election Day) 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Election day: May 6, 2023, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Frio County Polls-
Voting at the Bigfoot Alternative Center, 13777 FM 472, Bigfoot, TX 78005
April 24-28, 2023 (Early Voting) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; April 29, 2023 (Early Voting) 9:00 am – 2:00 pm and May 1-2, 2023 (Early Voting) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
May 6, 2023 (Election Day) 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Medina County- Vote at Medina County Precinct 4 Annex Building
(across from Tractor Supply)
Voters can vote in the ESD District elections, where they are registered to vote.
Medina County ESD 2 – (Devine Fire area) – add 1.25 % to sales tax
Medina County ESD 5 – (Natalia Fire area) – add 1.25% to sales tax
Medina County ESD 4 – (EMS Devine/Natalia areas – add .50% to sales tax
ESD4 overlaps both fire districts (2&5), since EMS can bill for services they are asking for only .25 from each district, so .25+.25= .5% sales tax
*Note: 8.25% is the maximum any city or county in Texas can charge for sales tax. Medina County is at 6.75% currently, so that leaves 1.5% open.
ESD 2, 4, and 5 – All Voting at County Building:
Election day: May 6, 2023, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Early Voting: April 24-28, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday April 29 9am-2pm and May 1-2, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
May 6, 2023 (Election Day) 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Lytle ISD- Vote for one or none, Single Member District 2

Trustee Special Election for Single Member District 2 will be on May 6, 2023 between Jessica Perales , and one write-in candidate Jeremy Davenport.
Voting in a trustee for Single Member District 2. (Voters must vote in the Single Member District where they are registered to vote.)
Note: Lytle ISD is only conducting the special election. They were able to cancel the general election, which is the annual election due to unopposed candidates. The special election is due to having two SMD vacancies however, they canceled the SMD 5 election, but not the other as there was one write-in candidate for SMD 2 before the deadline.
Polling places:
Lytle ISD Administration Office, 1537 Cottage St., Lytle, Tx.
Medina County Courthouse Annex, 1300 Ave. M Room 108, Hondo, Tx.
Medina County ESD No. 1, Station #15, 17934 FM 1957, Rio Medina, Tx.
Medina County Pct. 4 Annex, 317 State Hwy. 132 N. , Devine, Tx.
Medina County Pct. 2 Annex, 8366 FM 471 S. , Castroville, Tx.
Early Voting weekdays: April 24-28, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; and May 1-2, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday April 29 9am-2pm.
Election Day: May 6, 2023 from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

City of Lytle – cancelled election due to uncontested races.
Natalia City/Schools – no elections
LaCoste City – no elections