Time moves on

In checking the dates of things I need to do in the near future, it dawned on me that we only have seven more days from today in this month! July has gone by like a whirlwind as far as I’m concerned, and I’m quite sure a lot of teachers will agree with me! In some areas, school will be starting on August 1, for teachers
This past week I’ve attended two funerals; the first one was for a very dear friend. Most of you have heard about taking care of a friend’s dog when she was out of town. This week she succumbed to cancer to the sorrow of her family and her family of friends. May she rest in peace. The second funeral was a truly sweet lady from our church. She was always willing to help with any church work, pleasant to be around totally easy to work with at our church picnic. She had car trouble and while she was out of her car was critically injured by a hit and run driver. She did not survive her injuries and leaves behind a large family and a host of friends. May she rest in peace. However, I did have some fun this week; my daughter came by on her way home, after spending several days helping out her son and his family who welcomed a precious baby boy! We had a great time not only visiting and playing table games but squeezed in a shopping trip as well. She made it home fine this afternoon, to find the streets flooded and rain pouring down. We’re all thankful she had no problems.

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Making Pimento cheese

Beryl came in and went out and we didn’t get any measurable rain, every day the forecast was “It’s going to rain today around 1:30 or whatever time and nothing happened. We finally got rain Friday and Saturday, a little over an inch, but none so far today (Sunday).
This past week has been relatively quiet. I finished with my PT at the hospital, but still have to do exercises at home seven days a week! I find my best time for this is immediately after my morning prayers and either just before or right after breakfast, it takes me 30 to 45 minutes to complete the series and as I had fallen out of the habit of going to the hospital to the pool that was part of my downfall, so I’ve had to get back into a routine, and as long as I can move around, walk to my mail box, go shopping and walk around, I’ll just have to bite the bullet and do it. At least, I don’t have to spend three or four hours doing exercises, and if it makes some of my household chores easier on me, yes, I’ll do it.

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Independence Day

This past weeks’ trip to Devine was uneventful as far as the trip was concerned, thank goodness. We had several things planned, including a trip to Kerrville meet up with my granddaughter to pick up her girls for a little time with grandparents. We had a great time, visiting, eating out and shopping! These young ladies really enjoy shopping at thrift stores, so Friday found us at the Hospice Store in Devine where they each found several things. Back at the house, I started getting stuff together to head back home, and again my trip was uneventful, except for quite a bit of traffic, including lots of motor homes and travel trailers.

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A Day for Fathers

As my weeks go, this past week was pretty quiet. With three days of PT at the hospital and the other four days to do PT on my own, I’ve been busy. Some days, it seemed as if I was at the hospital more than I was at home as we are still selling raffle tickets for our spring raffle, and I did that two days as my one regular day of working.

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My husband used to say that he never saw a bunch of women, like his wife and daughters who could celebrate their birthdays quite as long as we did. Yes, even though my party was on the 30th, this past Tuesday, my sister and some friends and I went out for dinner for my birthday! We went to a local Mexican Restaurant; my friend had arranged ahead of time that “Happy Birthday” would be sung.

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Are you ready to wear green?

This morning, (Sunday) when I got ready to go to church, I stuck my head out the door to check the thermometer, and went back inside and got a jacket! It was 42º out there and too cool for shirt sleeves. Of course, I had the heater on to go to church and then around noon, when I went to town to run a couple of errands, the air conditioner was on, ho hum…this is Texas. This past week was busy as always…meetings, pokeno, and working at the gift shop.

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A delicious orange vegetable

Recently, while I was working in our hospital gift shop, a copy of the weekly newsletter was on the desk and it contained some information that caught my attention. People frequently ask me “Where do you get your ideas for a column”? My answer is usually “Wherever I can find one”. Well, a little article on the reverse side of the newsletter gave me the idea for this week’s column. Of all things it was about carrots, and I realized that I have never written about this beautiful, delicious orange vegetable!

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Does it feel like fall/autumn to you?

This week, I checked my calendar and as of today, 9-20-23, we are only three days away from the beginning of fall! The weather is a little bit cooler, and I can tell the days are already becoming a little shorter, and gosh, Christmas mania is beginning in the stores. As I mentioned last week, Hobby Lobby had lots and lots of Christmas décor displayed and it’s beginning to show up in other stores as well.

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