Devine ISD dealing with technology shortfalls by utilizing one device per family until rest of devices arrive

A letter was sent out to Devine ISD families to explain the technology distributions and remote learning technology requirement procedures.
“The Texas Education Agency and state mandates only require that a public school district make learning devices such as Chromebooks, laptops, or ipads available for remote learners in the event that in-person on-campus instruction is not offered by the district. In-person instruction will be offering at every campus in the district beginning Monday, August 24th.
Devine ISD is in the process of acquiring personal internet hotspots and additional devices to distribute as a service to our students and families and in an attempt to become a one-to-one student-to-device digital environment.
Shipments of additional devices and hotspots are not expected to arrive at our district for at least 5 or more weeks. Families that choose remote instruction must make that decision based on the expectation to have their own internet access at home or utilize one of the 4 public access points offered at specific DISD campus locations. A map of these locations is available at under the quick link Covid-19 tab.
In order to complete student work in the asynchronous learning platform, students would not need to be continuously logged into their learning management system. To participate asynchronously, the student could log onto the internet once to download many assignments and complete them at any location, and then log back onto the internet to submit. In order for a student to participate live with their teacher each day, they would need to be actively logged into the internet during the particular class times. If you have any questions concerning technology please refer to at the Covid-19 tab under quick links and click on Remote Learning Tech Support.
We appreciate your commitment to your child’s education!” Dr. Todd Grandjean