Warhorse football two-a-day practices begin Aug. 2

Every year the first Monday in August signifies the beginning of a new football season for schools across the state of Texas. The previous season’s accomplishments, or shortcomings, are all finally laid to rest with new goals and achievements in mind.
August 2 at 7:00am is the show up time for all high school football players whether it is an incoming freshman or a senior ready to strap on his helmet for his final go round.
All players should either have a physical on file with Athletic Trainer Ruben “Doc” Alston or have one in hand completed on the first day of practice. Forms are available in the high school office or available for pick up in the athletic field house.
All DHS athletes have a specific athletic grooming policy as well. Players should be properly groomed by August 2 as well.
Head Coach Paul Gomez said he and his staff are “excited about the 2021 season getting started” and hopes the kids are excited as well.
The Horses are coming off an 8-3 campaign that included a 4-1 district record.
No masks required
COVID continues on but one change most will appreciate is that players and coaches will not begin two-a-days with a mask requirement in place by the U.I.L. or any other agency of power.
Players may still wear one if they choose but it is no longer mandatory.
This situation remains fluid and could change at a moment’s notice. Players are reminded to continue to wash hands frequently and to adhere to other COVID related guidelines.
First week schedule
Monday, August 2 all players are to have reported to the athletic field house by 7am. The first day is a process for sure. Players are issued lockers, combinations, shoes, shirts, shorts, and physicals have to be checked, double-checked, and sometimes even triple-checked to make sure they are completed properly.
One of the most important parts of the morning is to ensure each player has a helmet that fits properly. When one takes into consideration that 80 to 100 individuals need to be fitted, this can slow down the opening day process drastically.
Once all are outfitted, conditioning, specialties, and football practices can actually commence. The players gather again in the afternoon at 2:30pm to stretch and go through a walkthrough of the mornings teachings and to look forward to what is to be implemented in the coming days.
The schedule remains somewhat the same for Tuesday, August 3.
Shoulder pads are added Wednesday, August 5 as the players gear toward the first day of contact on Saturday, August 7. Players should be dressed and at their proper location ready to begin practice at 7:30am sharp both Wednesday and Thursday.
Friday gives the players a little reprieve as start time gets pushed to 8:30am while Saturday is the first day of full pads with a 9:30am start time. There are currently no practices on the agenda for Friday or Saturday afternoon.
Be prepared
If players have not done so already, they should be preparing themselves both mentally and physically for the beginning of a new season. Proper hydration along with a healthy diet are vital to avoiding health issues related to heat temperatures and the vigor of what the sport demands.
If players have not regularly attended the summer workout plan and have not gotten themselves accustomed to being outside for long stretches of time, do so now!
Most players that become dehydrated or have other heat related issues is due to what they did or did not do for their body the day or days leading up to practicing. Players are provided multiple breaks throughout a practice to get water; no player is ever denied that.
If a player does not hydrate or feed their body properly both before and after practices, health-related issues are almost a given.
Asthma is also a common area of concern for both players and coaches. If a player is asthmatic, he must let Doc and his student trainers know. A “puffer” should be brought daily and it is recommended to keep a backup puffer at school with the training staff.
Good luck
Best of luck to all coaches and players as the start of a new season gets underway!
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer