Two property crimes, no jail trips

The first week of June was on the slow side, maybe everybody is out of town. We handled 51 calls for police service last week.
Not much to chat about, we had two property crimes and no trips to jail. The property crimes were both mini-storage burglaries, they occurred at the One Stop Storage (behind the Exxon) on Main St. We had one report of illegal dumping, a white P/U dropped off two loads of trash at the intersection of Wisdom St. and Lake St. That really bugs me, but it would bug me even more if it were in front of my house. What are people thinking?
We didn’t arrest anybody, but Sgt. Hanson did cite three juveniles for curfew violation. They had been reported missing earlier in the evening and he found them by the school around 2 AM. They got home safe, and they got a court date to help them remember not to do it again.
What else is happening around town? The old Days Inn will be coming down soon. The first round of demo people showed up last Saturday. Out with the old and in with the new, it will be replaced with a fancy convenience store. I was in high school back in 1984 when my family moved to town to build a convenience store. We stayed at the Days Inn during the week and commuted back to Wills Point on the weekends, I remember thinking back then that it needed tearing down.
If you have looked up behind the Best Western Plus you can see the Saddle Ridge Estates subdivision. It is really moving along; they have curbs and even some sidewalks going in. It won’t be long before you see some houses going up over there. It even has cool street names! Our plans show names like Huckleberry Street, John Wayne Road, Doc Holliday Drive, and Wyatt Earp Way. Cool names, I just hope we don’t have any shootouts to match.