National Night Out events set for Oct. 3rd

DEVINE—The Devine Police Department is hosting “National Night Out” for all area Devine residents on Tuesday, October 3rd from 6 to 9 pm at the Devine Municipal Golf Course.
There will be live music by the Solis Brothers as well as free food and drinks! Other food items will be available for purchase. There will also be free entertainment for the kids.

Lytle Police Department hosts National Night Out Tuesday, October 3rd

The City of Lytle is celebrating “National Night Out” again this year in a big way. The event will take place at the Lytle Community Center at 19031 Priest Blvd, in Lytle. The event is open to the Community and Free! So plan to attend between 6 and 8 p.m. next Tuesday!

There will be lots of food including hotdogs, chips and drinks and snow cones as well as Music and tours of first responders vehicles, and the opportunity to meet people from local organizations and businesses as well as police officers.

For more information, go to or call the police department at 830-709-0277

Natalia National Night Out Oct. 3

On Tuesday, October 3, neighborhoods all over the United States are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the “40th Annual National Night Out” (NNO) crime and prevention event. National Night Out, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and co-sponsored by Natalia Police Department and City of Natalia, will involve over 16,790 communities from all 50 states, US territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world. In all, over 38.6 million people are expected to participate in “America’s Night Out Against Crime.”

National Night Out is designed to; (1) Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; (2) Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime efforts; (3) Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and (4) Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

From 6 to 8 p.m. on October 1st, residents in neighborhoods throughout Texas and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. We will be hosting National Night Out as in the past at the Natalia Police Department, 3rd Street. Along with entertainment and activities for the children, there will be free food, drinks and prizes.

We are asking residents to bring canned vegetables, peanut butter or can soup for donation to our local Food Pantry.

Any questions, please call Brenda Fernandez, NNO Coordinator at (830) 665-2131 or (210) 744-2204.