Two students charged with felony offense in DMS school threat

Officials from Devine ISD and local law enforcement came together quickly to resolve a threat made to Devine Middle School last week. The threat was written on a note that was left in the restroom at DMS on the afternoon of January 12th. Two young ladies have been identified in the investigation, and face charges in this case. The following is a press release from Devine PD:
Press Release–Devine Police, along with the Medina County Sheriff’s Office and an S.A.P.D.Detective with the Texas Fusion Center met with Devine I.S.D. personnel and conducted an investigation into the note that was found. The note threatened violence at the Devine Middle School.
After several hours of searching, a possible handwriting match was found. The student was identified and an accomplice was also identified.
Two Juvenile Females are charged with the felony offense of:
Terroristic Threat-Impede Public Services/Pub Fear SBI, which is a 3rd degree felony offense.

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