Paving the week of Sept. 27

This dang coronavirus has invaded the Pct 4 personnel. Four have come down with it and one is pending testing. Can’t get a lot done with a skeleton crew. I’ve already had it and the shot so, I think I’m ok.
Got some roads tore up and should be paving them during the week of September 27th if nothing else goes wrong. Getting the materials in the yard this week. I don’t know if we’ll be in a position to start any other big projects this year.
This Friday, what’s left of the crew and I will be in Hondo moving the folks outta the old Courthouse and into the new Courthouse Annex. If you wanna see some elected officials pant and sweat, come on by and point and laugh. It may be the projected move-in day but, the building and grounds aint gonna be ready. We are planning an Official Open House sometime in the near future when all the work is completed.
Not a lot of action in Court this past week…lotta contract renewals and accepting ESD Financial Reports and reinstating ESD Board members and such. Budget is finished, Tax Rate is set…we all gotta dig a little deeper.
Haven’t heard anything on Redistricting or how far the process is gonna move the Primary Election down the calendar next year but, soon as I hear anything, I’ll try to get the word out.
Lost a good man recently. Frank Hooker worked with the City of Devine for a loooong time. Don’t know how long but, he was a fixture and an encyclopedia of information concerning the City. He was called on many times after he retired.
Short story about Frank and his character…Thompsons Produce was a small white rock building located in what is now the Community Center parking lot. Wesley Thompson dropped a quarter one day while Frank was visiting him and it rolled across the floor and into a crack and outta sight. Years later when the building was being torn down, Frank found the quarter and returned it to Mr. Thompson. Just the way he was…I always admired and respected both of these men.
Only 101 days till Christmas. Already saw an advertisement on TV about Christmas. IT’S TOO EARLY PEOPLE! We gotta get through Thanksgiving first so, no stringing up lights until then…unless you left them up all year like I did. One year, 3 months and 15 days Schuchart….