Last week your Lytle PD officers handled 59 calls for service. What have we been up to you ask? I’ll start on the downside. We had reports of three catalytic converters that were “cut” off vehicles. One at a portable building business on IH-35 and two from the parking lot of Camino Real Community Services on FM 3175. H.E.B. Plus also reported that a customer made off with one of the smartphones they use for curbside orders.
Officers made three arrests. Two were the result of traffic stops and both were felony drug arrests. A male was booked into the Atascosa Co. Jail and a female was booked into the Medina Co. Jail.
The third arrest was a fellow that broke into a vehicle at the Lytle Nursing Home. Ofc. D. Lopez was dispatched and was looking for our crook, which had a whopping haul of a $50 pair of sunglasses. Our car burglar showed back up a little later and officers were able to take him into custody. I guess this is why they say, “the thief always returns to the scene of the crime.”
I was able to attend the Lytle VFW’s 9/11 Memorial service on Saturday. It was very well put together and hit home. It’s hard to believe it has been 20 years since the attacks. I was a 31-year-old police chief and had just shown up at our office (we were in city hall back then). Everyone was gathered around a TV in the breakroom, and we watched in shock as the news reports poured in. On a side note, I believe the same TV is still there. After that event, our country really came together.
Okay, it’s time for the “Call of The Week”. Lt. Dear was dispatched for a residential burglar alarm. He got there and the garage door was randomly moving up and down, then it would stop for a while and then move a little more. Well, he figured something was up. I’m sure he was asking himself “is this house haunted?” So, he called me for backup. When Matt calls me for backup you know something is wrong. The homeowner arrived and determined his residence was okay, so what about the garage door? The homeowner had left the remote to the door in some clothes he had thrown in his dryer; he had a delayed timer set. As the clothes were tossed in the dryer the button would get pushed and activate the door…opening it a little and then closing it a little on the next turn. I couldn’t make that up.