Natalia Police Report

11/13-Suspicious Circumstances – While conducting a routine security check at the Love’s Distribution Center the Officer on duty noticed an open door. Since staff do not usually work on the weekends the Officer entered the area setting off the building alarm. Further investigation into this situation revealed electricians were working on site and they were able to deactivate the alarm. Dispatch was notified all was clear at the location.

11/14-Criminal Mischief – A complainant entered the police station wanting to file a criminal complaint against an individual he knew for demolishing a pool table he had been restoring at his home. The complainant filed a criminal mischief complaint requesting the subject pay for the destroyed pool table.
11/15-AOA – Officer on duty responded to EMS call for assistance, however, the call was cancelled before the Officer’s arrival to location.
11/15-10-50 Minor Accident – Officer on duty was dispatched to Love’s Truck Center for a minor accident with no injuries.
11/15-Assistt Citizen – Officer on duty provided a ride to a juvenile male student a ride home from school.
11/16-Canine – Officer on duty was dispatched to pick up a stray dog. The dog was picked up and place in the city kennels with fresh water and food.
11/16-Traffic Hazard – The Officer on duty responded to a call about an 18 wheeler truck that was parked at the gas pumps at Chubby’s and decided to park and go to sleep. The driver was not responding to staff who were attempting to have him move the truck from the gas pump area. Upon arrival at the location the Officer was able to awaken the driver who was asked to move his truck to a different location. This task was completed without further incident.