
01/22-AOA EMS – Officer on duty assisted EMS staff with a female that was experiencing severe back pain. The female’s condition was accessed and transported to hospital for further care.

01/24-Civil Matter – Officer on duty was dispatched for a civil matter involving a son and mother. Upon arrival at the location the Officer was able to speak to both parties about the situation. The\ Mother agreed to have a Deputy MCSO Officer escort her son to pack his belongings while the NPD Officer on duty remained with the mother. Matter was resolved without further incident.
01/26-Hospice Death – Officer on duty was dispatched to a call involving a death. Upon arrival at the location the Officer on duty was able to make contact with the Hospice Nurse who was able to identify the patient who had passed away from what appeared to be an ongoing COPD Heart Condition.
01/26-Disturbance – Officer on duty was dispatched to a call received about a disturbance in progress. Upon arrival at the location the Officer was able to make contact with the complainant who provided information about the incident witnessed before all parties had left the scene. Upon leaving the location the Officer saw a male walking and was able to make contact. The male stated he was the father of the female involved in the incident. The parent verified that the argument was about a car his daughter had left at HEB in Lytle which angered her boyfriend and started an argument. The father confirmed the male had not touched his daughter and the incident was just a loud argument and he had been there the entire time.
01/27-Parking Violation – Officer on duty issued a parking violation citation at the Love’s Travel Center to an 18 Wheeler parked in a Fire Lane.
01/29-Animal Control – Officer on duty caught two stray dogs while making his routine city rounds, The dogs were placed in the City Kennels and Medina County Animal Control.