“My Healthy Child” classes are held the last Friday of the month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at the First United Methodist Church, located at 212 W. Benton Ave. in Devine. Classes are FREE and open to the public.
Learn about infant and children’s health and well-being. Topics include the importance of well child visits, child safety, healthy habits, managing illness, respiratory illness, and communicable childhood infections.
Those who qualify will receive supplementary diapers for each child registered. Diapers are supplied by the Texas Diaper Bank. Only individuals who qualify and submit completed registration and provide require documents will be eligible for the diaper incentive and other Texas Diaper Bank programs.
For more information about the program and to register, contact Wesley Nurse Georjean Burnell at 830-663-8108 or gburnell@mhm.org. Enrollment is online at texasdiaperbank.org and closes on the 19th of each month.