Devine ISD calls for$11 Million Bond Election this November

The Devine ISD Board of Trustees adopted a tax rate of $0.9670 which is a reduction of over $0.12 from last year and unanimously voted to call for an election in November.

The two propositions to appear on the ballot includes a $11,255 million bond which will be used for capital improvements for the safety and security of DISD campuses and a $0.03 voter-approval tax ratification election, also known as a VATRE, which will generate an additional $966,466 each year to be used to fund salaries, supplies, and other items in the yearly operating budget. This action was taken at the regular monthly meeting, Monday, August 21, 2023. If both propositions are approved by the voter, the overall tax rate will still be reduced from the 2022 tax rate. The total 2023 tax rate would be $0.9670, which is $0.1276 less than the 2022 tax rate.

Todd Grandjean, Superintendent for Devine ISD, stated that more information will be available in the coming weeks in relation to the specifics of these initiatives and community input will be a key component during the entire process.