It’s been a hot one! Maybe the heat kept our activity at moderate levels this past week. We had a total of 57 calls for service and 64 traffic stops. Those stops resulted in 35 citations and 29 warnings.
We only had one arrest this past week and it just barely made it into this report. At about 9:30 PM on Sunday night, Ofc. Pena stopped a vehicle for a defective headlight. Cpl. Robison and I stopped by to back him up. The driver had no ID, the passenger had no ID. For a while, they both weren’t even sure who they were. I knew how this was going to play out, sure enough, the female had a felony dope warrant out of Bexar Co. Off to jail she went and the driver got a few tickets.
The 2017 Ford F250 that was stolen from the Lake Shore Estates back on Saturday, July 27th made a surprise appearance. It was involved in a pursuit in San Antonio; we were told it was heavily damaged when the pursuit came to an end. It appears it was used in a human smuggling operation.
Property crimes reported last week included the following: A couple security cameras were knocked down at a business on FM 2790 E, the video did capture the suspect….we will see where that takes us. Some crook cut the locking mechanisms on five units at the Lytle Mini Storage, only one tenant reported anything missing. The dust was so thick on the stuff in most the units, you could tell it had been a good long while since they had been visited. We believe a different crook visited the storage units behind the Exxon on Main St. and cut two locks off and took some items as well. It appears our car thieves attempted to take a 2019 Ford F250 from the H.E.B. Plus; they messed up the locking mechanism but never got in. This was during the day on Thursday. On Friday night/early Saturday morning, a car burglar visited Days Inn and took a $2000 laptop that was left in the floorboard of a 2017 Dodge 1 ton P/U. There were no signs of forced entry and we have no idea why the fellow just didn’t take it in the room with him for the night.
I guess I’m really paranoid. When I have to leave a tablet or something of value in a vehicle I hide it really good, sometimes so good that I can’t even find it. My kids are trained “hiders” too; they know every spot in our Suburban that things can be shoved into.
Some nice family found a baggie of what appeared to be “meth” while they were visiting John Lott Park. Thankfully, they got it turned in to us before a child found it and thought it was some sort of candy. Nobody ever comes to claim lost dope, that’s too bad.
August is the month the council works on finalizing a budget; I have submitted my numbers to the city secretary. If it looks like I’m going to have a problem, I have a backup plan. I’m going to put on a full-body Spandex suit and dance around in front of the city council chanting “I won’t stop dancing till you approve my budget request.” I bet they will move swiftly to halt my performance.