Not too busy in Lytle this past week…..only 52 calls for service. Officers conducted 43 traffic stops. Citations were issued on 21 of the stops and 22 warnings were given.
Only one property crime reported; it was at the Yum Market (old Valero/Diamond Shamrock). An unknown male took about $150 worth of those fancy e-cigarettes; you know the ones that are in the news so much these days.
Only one arrest, it was for DWI. Officers were dispatched to the Whataburger drive thru for a driver passed out behind the wheel. Officers arrived and found the female driver to be intoxicated.
The Chamber of Commerce president tells me their fund raiser this past Saturday was a success.
Thursday is Halloween; please watch out for all those who are out and about getting some candy.
Don’t miss the homecoming parade this Saturday, it will run down Main St. and starts at 10 AM.
It looks like we will have an item on the May ballot. Voters will get a chance to decide if they want to allow mixed drinks sales at restaurants. Mayor Pro-Tem Ruben Gonzalez informed me that the petition he had been working on was certified. They had well above the 300 signatures that were required.