The January meeting of the Devine Garden Club was held at the St. Matthias Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall. The use of the Hall was very much appreciated by our members. Hostesses for this meeting were members of the Executive Committee: Elsa Rodrigues, Alma Horvath, Sarah McAlpin, Leslie Monette, Susan Wisenbaker, and Sandra Stacy.
The program was a round table discussion on the art of composting. Best practices were shared, along with tools for composting. We learned that if each family created their own compost pile from garden clippings, leaves and uncooked vegetable/fruit trimmings, we could create our own potting soil and decrease the amount of waste in our landfills.
This meeting concluded with the sharing of delicious Valentine treats served by the hostesses. We were also happy to welcome three guests to our meeting.
February meeting
The next meeting is February 27 at 3:00 pm at the Rodrigues home at 219 CR 6866 in Natalia. This is in the Forest Woods subdivision off IH35 access road.
This is also ‘Plant Sharing’ time. Please bring four of any of the following to share and/or to exchange: seed packets, bulbs, rhizomes, rooted plants or cuttings in plastic bags. Please label all with name and care instructions.
We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested in gardening or learning about gardening, please come and check us out!
Gardening Tips
Now is the time to trim back shrubs and other plants that suffered damage from frost. Also, it’s time to prune and feed your roses.
Happy Gardening!