May 10
4:00 PM – Complainant in the 500 block of Hickory Hwy. advised a small package was delivered to her home and requested to speak to an officer.
5:57 PM – Officer assisted CPS with an emergency child removal.
8:09 PM – Officer dispatched to the 500 block of N. Transportation Dr. in reference to someone burning in their backyard. Officer made contact with the male homeowner. The fire was put out, and the homeowner was given a warning for burning trash.
May 11
6:33 AM – Complainant reported a black Ford F-150 all over the roadway on Hwy. 173 N., traveling northbound from Frio Co. Unable to locate.
6:30 PM – Complainant reported a gray Jeep all over the roadway on IH-35 NB. Area searched; unable to locate.
7:40 PM – Complainant in the 400 block of Pilgrim Rd. advised that subject was burning trash. Subject was having a BBQ; all was okay.
11:35 PM – Complainant advised a black vehicle was speeding in the Walmart parking lot. Unable to locate.
May 12
11:54 AM – Complainant reported a black vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on IH-35 NB passing mile marker 119. Unable to locate.
7:20 PM – Complainant in the 1200 block of Hwy. 173 advised that several items were taken from a shed.
7:40 PM – Complainant reported a suspicious older female walking in the area of the 100 block of Dixon Dr., possibly looking into vehicles. Officer searched the area; unable to locate.
May 13
12:38 AM – Complainant in the 200 block of W. Moore Ave. advised her neighbors were having a disturbance. Female departed with a friend, male subject departed on foot. Contact made with both subjects.
4:00 PM – Complainant on E. FM 2200 McAnnelley Ave. advised she saw a silver sports car with a red trunk driving recklessly around school zones.
May 14
1:50 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 200 block of Teel Dr. The female driver was found to have a suspended license and was cited and released.
3:40 PM – Officer advised the school lights in the 100 block of W. Hondo Ave. were not working properly. TxDot was notified.
7:08 PM – Complainant in the 600 block of Pilgrim Rd. advised that he found a pistol on the upper railroad tracks in the 700 block of Transportation.
May 15
1:38 AM – Complainant in the 100 block of Dixon Dr. advised that a TV was on really loud at the location. Officers made contact with the resident, but did not hear a TV on loudly.
May 16
6:00 PM – Complainant reported a black Chevy pickup cutting people off on Upson Dr. Officer located the vehicle parked at the Little League fields with no one around.