Long weekend. No rain. Memorial Day brought memories of an Uncle, Roy Wells, that was shot down during WWII and the many relatives that served in the Military. His body was never recovered and I missed out on getting to know him. From my grandfather who fought in WWI to my grandson, Rooster, who is in the Naval Academy, there have been many in my family that have served our Country. To those we say “many thanks”.
According to our Auditor, we are very healthy in our Reserve Fund and, in fact, are 14% above where we were last year at this time. Our Reserve stands at about $21.07 million. This can be directly attributed to our Department Heads that keep an eye on their budgets and make sure that there is no unnecessary spending during the year.
We changed the Speed Limit on CR 664 (from FM 1342 to FM 463) from 35 MPH to 40 MPH during the last Court meeting. Speed Limit sighs have become suggestions because no one really adheres to them and enforcement is lax at best. They are just a number that is used to fill in a blank on an Accident Report.
Seems that construction will start on the Courthouse Annex and Jail Addition in mid-September this year. We are in the final stages of purchasing properties next to the proposed Courthouse Annex to allow for additional parking once the building is operational.
We are now into the catch up phase. Patching and shredding has become the focus of this effort. Pete Taylor mentioned that we shredded an area that he had been monitoring as a location to gather seed for basket flowers or something like that and we eliminated the source. Sorry. We have several small projects that need to be addressed and will take these on one at a time. In the meantime, call us with problems that we don’t know about so that we can address them.
Pct. 2 in Castroville is fixing to start renovating the second floor of their building in anticipation of renting out space to new tenants. This area of Medina County is experiencing growth on a large scale and accounts for about 1/4 of the total tax base for Medina County. We will start the process of moving our material yard and the Pct. 4 office from Rose Hill to the old TxDOT location soon. Seems that the State does not get in a hurry when it comes to this process.
Graduation is this week and the Seniors that are participating will not realize how fast their High School years have passed until after the ceremony. Then they become has-beens and they are no longer the focal point of School activities and they become a memory. Life goes on with or without them. Some will flourish in their next chapter in life and some won’t. Some will succeed and some will become drug dealers, addicts, drunks or homeless and end up in prison or dead. Life is hard and very real. Wish the best for all of them.
Ain’t, shoulda, gonna, mebbe, oughta. There ya go. Used em all Mrs. Langley.