Answering Bible Questions with Bible Answers

Question: How can God love me even after everything I’ve done?
Answer: According to the Bible God loves us in spite of our sins. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” The word “commendeth” simply means “showed” or “proved”. So, we know that God loved us even before we could become a Christian and do right. That’s why Jesus died on the cross so that all our sins could be forgiven and so that after we believe in Him we can become the children of God. John 1:12.

Why does God want us to be saved from sin and become His children? Because He loves us. John 3:16. Now, I don’t want to confuse anyone, God has never and will never accept or condone sin of any kind, the Bible tells us that God hates wickedness. Psalm 11:5. God hates sin but He loves the sinner, and He desires that the sinner would repent of their sin and ask Him to forgive them. Romans 10:9-10. Many people are kept from going to God because they think they’ve done too many bad things and God can’t forgive them. This is simply not true, but is a lie the devil uses to keep people from God and the truth. I want to assure you, based on God’s Word, the Bible, the only sin God will not forgive is the sin of unbelief. If someone chooses to reject God and His Son Jesus Christ, they won’t be forgiven. John 3:18-19. Every other sin God can forgive.  So, don’t believe the lies of the devil. The truth is, no matter what you’ve done in your past, if you come to Jesus and confess Him as Lord and Saviour, and call on Him to forgive you of your sins, He will. Romans 10:13. God loves you very much, so don’t let anything or anyone keep you away from Him and His great love for you. Romans 8:38-39. Psalm 36:7.