Natalia, Lytle, and MV school district bond propositions pass

Low voter turnout in May elections

Natalia ISD
In Natalia, two school district bond issue propositions totaling more than $23 million were approved by voters. Proposition A, valued at $17.465 million, called for renovations and additions to the elementary campus and agricultural sciences building. It passed by 170 votes to 79.
Proposition B, valued at $5.555 million, calls for construction of new softball and baseball fields with turf, dugouts, lights, concession stands and restrooms. It passed by a margin of 158 votes to 90.
District superintendent Lana Collavo said she is excited “that both Natalia ISD bond proposition were approved, thanks to the support of our community’s voters.”
“With that support, we can move forward with our plans to enhance the learning environment, add…