At last week’s Commissioners Court, the Aguirre Brothers Subdivision received final approval and preliminary approval was granted to vacate and re-subdivide the flooring lots: 335 and 336 in the Seekatz’s Cove addition, 19 of San Antonio Trust, 10 of Rio Medina Ranchetes. Forrest Creek was granted preliminary approval of an extension.
It was discussed and passed to allow HANK to lease another property that adjoins their existing lease in Hondo. This lease will allow HANK to build another building and have more room for expansion in the future. The lease terms are to be the same as the existing lease and to end in roughly 22 years at the same time as the original leased property to make renewal easier in the future. This is great news for the HANK foundation and the county as well.
The Pre Trial office has been given approval to enter a contract with Corrisoft which is a GPS program with better tracking capabilities at a lower cost to the defendants that can be installed in office by a Pre Trial office staff. Cindy Billebault spoke about her anger management, Juvenile anger management, and parenting class success. These classes are court ordered or recommended to criminal defendants or those with pending criminal cases and are at no cost to the county or client.
DPS will be adding two more weigh station buildings on IH-35 north and south. This will allow for more shifts and thus increase income from the weigh stations. The cost of the new buildings is around $82,000 but will bring in around $500,000 annually after a short down time to set the buildings up. The County approved the DPS’s plan and it also includes a new sewage system for the weigh stations that had to be replaced, as the current one is failing due to age.
The court house annex will be getting recording equipment and software with the approval of the BIS quote. This will also include cloud storage and computers form HTS. HTS will also be used for the dispatch computers and equipment in the jail expansion. Then it was also approved that the jail expansion would be getting Aloha satellites for bulk video services for the inmates.
The Court approved the purchase of a chip spreader and oil distributor from Cooper Equipment for $317,052. This includes delivery and a day of training for the crews. For $438,884, the Court approved the purchase of a reclaimer from Nueces Power Equipment with a new extended warranty. This new equipment will help the crews repair country roads faster and make them safer.
A majority of the items were moved up to the 9:00am session and quickly discussed. All items were discussed and passed. The next scheduled Commissioners Court was to fall on July 1st but it has been moved to Tuesday, July 6th.
By Dicy Chambers