In regards to an article titled “Water violations for City of Devine cite ‘failure to test,’” we have learned new information.
The violations applying to the LC Martin well have been “rejected” since the TECQ has learned the well has been offline since the last big snowstorm in Devine.
The following is a response from TECQ after another inquiry: “As of July 10, 2023, and based on the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Water Supply Division compliance data, the City is in compliance with the Revised Total Coliform Rule, Groundwater Rule, the Lead and Copper Rule, and all primary and secondary chemical drinking water standards. The City received two monitoring and reporting violations for failure to monitor nitrate and volatile organic compound samples at one entry point during calendar year 2022.
“Upon further review, the applicable entry point was inactivated as the plant was offline and the associated monitoring and reporting violations were rejected. The City’s three other active entry points were monitored during calendar year 2022 and sample results were reported as required.
“The City received a violation for failure to conduct triggered source monitoring under the Groundwater Rule during October 2022. This violation was rejected as the corresponding well, associated to the entry point in question, was not online.
“Both the two monitoring and reporting violations and the triggered source monitoring violation were rejected by TCEQ and are no longer valid. The annual consumer confidence report (CCR) requires systems to only include valid violations for notification to customers. Rejected violations are not required to be included in the annual CCR.”