Lytle City Secretary’s report

Taxes: Ad valorem (property) current and delinquent.
Hotel/motel occupancy tax, Franchise taxes, Sales tax
Property taxes current
We collected $625.67 of current taxes in August.
This amount was $56.52 more than the August, 2019 total
Property taxes delinquent
We collected $1,261.92 of delinquent taxes in August. The fiscal year total at the end of August was $10,268.01 which is 102.68% of our budgeted total but $732.29 less than last August’s total.
Hotel/motel occupancy tax
Hotel tax, Motel tax – We collected $2,611.09 in motel tax in august from days inn for the month of July, compared to last year’s amount of $4,571.93.
Franchise taxes
Total franchise taxes collected in August was $ 44,331.73 ($558.82 less than last year). This is comprised by The following: Franchise Taxes-None received in august ($354.70 less than last august) .
Franchise taxes -$51.42 from long distance carriers ($152.12 less than a year ago).
Franchise taxes-totaled $166,608.16 at the end of August, which is 95.2% of what we budgeted and $588.42 less than a year ago’s total.
Sales tax
Our August sales tax allocation totaled $130,288.83 which is $20,519.67.
More than last august. The fy total at the end of August was $820,716.03, which is $239,734.30 less than last year’s total in august, and 103.63% of our amended total.

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Sales tax
Our September allocation was received Friday, Sept. 11th. It totaled $108,648.60. Even though this total is $319,745.93 less than last September’s total, we know that last year’s total was wrong, and we had to repay it. If you take what the total should have been, this year’s September allocation is just over $30,000.00 more than what we should have received last September!
Water pumped from Edwards aquifer
We pumped 52.77 66.71 acre feet of water from the Edwards
Aquifer last month, which was 13.94 acre feet less than last August’s amount.
Water usage
Water – miscellaneous- We had a bit of rain towards the end of August that kept our usage from reaching what we anticipated. This also kept us from going into stage 2.
We’ll hope for more rain to get us out of critical period stage 1 and having to conserve.
Update of new water well
We will be looking at new plans for completing the well project. In discussions with the engineer, inspector and director of public works, it was agreed there were problems with the current plans, and they need to be addressed.
Update on audit
Now that we will be going out for RFQS for an auditor this will put us behind again. We have been in touch with the lady assisting us, now that the office staff is all working the same days, and have not heard back from her, to date.
Update of water line grant
We are still trying to finalize this grant. We have not heard a word from the Texas Dept. of Agriculture, and I am being told it is because their employees are all working from home.
Census response
I am being told that at this time Lytle is still under 50 % of people that have responded to the 2020 census. We do have people going door-to-door right now. I am sending another flyer with the newsletter to try and get people to respond.
Fiscal year closeout
I am already working at closing out the fiscal year that ends
At the end of this month.
New Office Employee
The new office employee is set to start on October 1st.
September 21, 2020
By Josie Campa, City Secretary