Like mama used to say, its hotter’n the hinges of Hades. Well, probly not that hot but, pretty warm….but hey, that’s typical for south Texas in the summertime. Can’t wait for that week of Fall and the two weeks of Winter before Spring sets in.
Since addressing the issue of private dumpsters in the County right-of-way via letters to the companies supplying the dumpsters, I have gotten several calls. I provided the companies with the addresses of the customers whose dumpsters are in the County right-of-way and the providers of the services have contacted the customers and relayed the information that they will be removed on September 1, 2019… has not sat well with the customers.
Yes, a lot of folks maintain the area around their dumpsters. Yes, it is a necessary service to the homeowners. Yes, homeowners pay for the service, not the County. However…some are traffic hazards, maintenance around some is non-existent, some are almost in the roadway, some are a health hazards and on and on. In addressing the complaints of the dumpsters being in the right-of-way, it is only fair to apply the removal request to ALL residents with dumpsters in the County right-of-way and not be selective.
After all, Section 251.008 of the Texas Transportation Code under the heading “GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COUNTY ROADS” states: “A public road of any class must: (1) be clear of all obstructions.” The key word in this statute is “MUST”. So, on September 1, 2019 some folks are gonna believe that I’m the sorriest sum biskit that ever was because I am applying a statute to everyone and not a select few.
Those dumpsters that we pick up will be taken to our material yard located at 1035 CR 5710 (Rose Hill) and secured at that location.
Site work should begin on the Jail Addition and Courthouse Annex sometime in September. We are still acquiring the various pieces of property around the Courthouse site for parking and future expansion.
According to the Appraisal Office, our tax base has risen from $3.274 billion to $3.448 billion. Medina County is experiencing considerable growth countywide but, mainly in the northeast section of the County. As a result, Pct. 2 is going to finish out the second floor of the Annex in Castroville to expand services for that area. The growth in Pct 4 contributed $29.7 million to the $173.3 million increase with the bulk of it ($49.55 million) coming from Pct 2.
Our Budget is pretty well set and should be ready to adopt at the August 15th meeting. There will be no tax increase.
There will be a Public Hearing on our Subdivision Rules on September 12th at 10 AM in the Commissioners Courtroom in Hondo and we may be able to FINALLY adopt a revised edition. We been workin on these for at least 8 years.
Ever heard the expression “his/her heart is in the right place”? I think they used Don Evans as the standard.
Only 140 days till Christmas and 115 days until you can legally put up Christmas decorations, violators will have to shave their eyebrows.