Natalia High School named the 2023 Homecoming King & Queen Brianna Rizo and Luis Buentello (pictured on right) this past Friday night.
Other NHS Homecoming representatives were:
HOSA Representative Sarah Kanagusico Micaiah Patterson (not pictured)
Miss Mustang Angelina Solis & Mr. Mustang Luis Buentello
NHS Representatives Tyli Ventimiglia & Madison Wolf
Marvelous Mustangs Kayden Maddox & Bailey Moore
FFA Representatives Denton Nelson & Jalynn Guzman
Band Representatives Kate Robinson & Anthony Guevara
Freshman Representatives Leonardo Buentello & Sofia Vera
Sophomore Representatives Rudy Cruz & Aryanna Ramirez
Junior Class Representatives Kira Jimenez & Jason Huron
Senior Class Representatives Skylyene Gallegos & Esteban Saldaña
Senior Class Representatives Jesus Alfaro & Eliana Mason
Senior Class Representatives Brianna Rizo & Luis Buentello.