An act of kindness delivered all the way from Devine, Tx to Pittsview, Alabama

“Here’s a feel good story everyone will enjoy…This touching story was submitted to The News by 50-year-old Kristine Groenenboom-Newbold, of Alabama:
There’s a wonderful, generous, selfless man, that I’ve never met, but changed my life this week. He lives in Devine,Texas, and his name is Jerry Chessher. Here’s the story…
I’ve been searching a long time for a mini or pony that’s trained to pull a cart … Well … introducing Spanky!!The story of how I came to have Spanky may restore your faith in mankind … It has mine!!
A friend, Kim Staab, told her friend, Joseph Cunningham, who told his friend in Devine, about “a lady in a wheelchair” in Alabama looking for a cart pony.
That guy is the most wonderful guy I’ve never met.
Jerry Wayne Chessher was training Spanky for his own use but after learning about me, decided instead to give Spanky to me. He also arranged to have Spanky delivered to me by the friend who told him about me. Joseph who lives in Gadsen, Alabama, drove all the way to Jerry’s house in Devine,TX to pick up Spanky and then hauled him all the way to me in Pittsview, so thank you again Joseph!
I must admit that I was skeptical at first… things like this just don’t happen. People like this don’t exist. Something must be wrong with the mini!
Well, the only one wrong was me! Spanky is perfect….the friendly, chill lil guy arrive last Friday, and I am still in shock!!
I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, aka brittle bone disease. I’ve ridden horses all of my life, contrary to doctors orders, and not without a few incidents that resulted in fractures. My OI resulted in me using a wheelchair my whole life. Now I’m 50 something, and my horse is 30 something. Riding gets painful quickly but I enjoy my equine life. In 2018 I decided to get a cart and something small that I can tack by myself. When Jerry, whom I’ve never met, heard about me, he offered me his own horse AND says he’s training another younger one for me. He wants no money … Just to make people happy.
I can’t wait to put Spanky to cart and begin my next adventure …