Wages center stage in Commissioners Court

By Jerry Beck
At the regular Commissioners Court meeting on September 21, employee wages were still center stage.

Commissioners approved the motion to supplement Records Management personnel salaries with records management funds in the amount of $5,200 annually.
Also approved was the approval of using Sheriff forfeiture funds to supplement Sheriff’s office staff annual salaries to approximately $45,000 annually. Once this fund is depleted, these salary increases will go away. The Sheriffs and Constables fees will remain the same as the previous year.
The Court also renewed the Health and Employee Benefit Pool with the Texas Association of Counties for Plan year 2024 and approved the Holiday and Payroll Schedule for 2024.
High-Performance Design Builds was awarded the bid to assist Medina County with facility upgrades and/or improvements to the old County Courthouse.
Commissioners also approved an earnest money contract for the purchase of real property located adjacent to the Courthouse Annex (1306 14th Street).
Although it was a rather lengthy Agenda, most of the items had to deal with placing stop signs, vacating and replatting of lots, awarding annual bids for paving materials, hauling, fuel and Precinct materials.