As I get to celebrate the privilege of being “Poppi” to our 3 Grand Kids, I sometimes find myself using some of the phrases I heard long ago from my own Grand Parents.
One of those came to mind recently when discussing the upcoming T Ball Baseball Season with our 6-year-old Grand Daughter, Oakley. Quite a bit different from our Princess 8 year old, and our Rough House Little Man 3 year old, I predict she has a 50/50 chance, at the moment, of being another Florence Nightengale or going on the Professional Wrestler Circuit! It kind of depends on the day.
The issue at stake is the move into another age class level from her past 2 years, meaning different teammates and playing at new locations. At 6 that appears to be a big deal, and we take the concerns with the appropriate seriousness. We do so because Ms. O definitely has a serious side to her.
Mimi and I use different approaches in our discussions on such a topic. I am focusing in on the aspect of “do your best” and that is all we can ask of you. In my days, my own Grand Dad would use the term: Go Out And Make It Count, Boy when discussing my own athletic endeavors, shooting at wildlife, or even the occasional brawl/disagreement between friends and foes alike. Grannie used more of a Walk Away and Don’t Do Something You Will Regret Later approach.
Which worked better with me is long ago forgotten, but suffice it to say, the ideas have stuck in my brain for many years.
In retrospect, there likely no perfect words of wisdom we can bestow that are always right, much less heeded when we try to encourage and mentor others. I guess the best we can hope for is to just do our best to make it count when it comes to lending support and encouragement. And along with some prayers on behalf of those we care for, that will have to be enough.