Wandering Around with a Tale Running through my Brain

Every so often someone will ask me the “source(s)” of the many Tales I have written over the years. IF you asked The Boss Lady, she would likely refer to some kind of Neurological Disorder from too many hits to my stubborn old hard head. Some from other athletes in sports and a good many from livestock over the 40 years of raising cattle and horses.
Whatever the origin, the ideas come from a variety of places. A long-forgotten memory or a scene from a movie. A comment from someone else, or just something I see in everyday Life. I honestly cannot give a clear and definitive answer. Some are quickly “put together” while others may need to “stew” for a while. Either way they ultimately come out in a Draft Form on paper. That is where my Chief Editor comes into play. She will do a review and “make things better”. For that I am grateful beyond words.

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If You Are Not Smart, then Stubborn Might Do

There is NO ONE in their right mind, who has known me for long that would confuse me with Phi Betta Kappa material. I would sit somewhere between there, and the Barely Gotta Outta category! And depending on the subject, closer to one end than the other.
And I would imagine many of you Readers fall into that situation right along beside me. I have spent lots of time with individuals that were as close to a Genius as likely will come into my contact. From Subject Matter Experts to Outstanding Leaders, Gifted Athletes, Master Woodsmen, the list could go on for a LONG TIME.

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You Are Going to Wear That?

Up front, right off the bat, I am going to admit that my Bride, AKA The Boss Lady, married WAY DOWN on so many levels when she said YES over 3 decades ago. She has far more style, class, and good taste than me in so many areas.
But rather than further confess ALL my shortcomings, this TALE deals with clothing selections. It did not take very long for me to notice my “clothing options” had changed considerably not too long after we married. The Closet did NOT look the same at all!

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More Than Just a Teacher

Between my Wife, Sister, and Me we have a total of over 100 years in Education that ranges from Kindergarten to Post Graduate School students. Our formal education embodies 7 college degrees, mostly related to Education. As you might expect when we all would get together through the years, there would be a WHOLE LOT of stories about the students we served. Funny, Inspiring, Heart Breaking would represent the different tones of those conversations. I believe it is accurate to say I have been exposed, both personally and through family, to a very wide range of educational experiences from both the Student and Teacher perspectives.

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