The Lytle Lady Pirates had a rough week. It started off as a loss in three sets to Cotulla on Tuesday and ended with their next three games postponed. “These games had to be rescheduled due to precautionary Covid-19 measures,” said Coach Denise Cordero. These district games will be rescheduled and played as soon as it is safe for all players.
Tuesday, against Cotulla, the Pirates fell 17-25, 22-25, and 16-25. The Cowgirls dominated and Lytle was unable to complete their plays. They will continue to work hard and be back stronger after the Covid-19 precautionary break.
Aces: Elysa Aleman 3, Campbele Aldridge 1, Abby Moreno 1, Katara Whitfield 1, Jocelyn Sekula 1. Assists: Aldridge 8, Sekula 4, Whitfield 2. Kills: Calyssa Sevier 6, Moreno 4, Chelsea Gonzalez 4, Whitfield 3, Marley Walker 1. Digs: Sevier 12, Aldridge 9, Aleman 7, Morian Gomez 7, Kaitlyn Ramirez 3, Gonzalez 1. Blocks: Sevier 1, Whitfield 1.
By Dicy Chambers
Sports Writer