June 12
11:22 AM – Officer picked up a fan for Project Breeze from the 1100 block of Windy Knoll Dr.
11:54 AM – Railroad arms at Colonial Pkwy. not working properly. Union Pacific was notified.
11:57 AM – Complainant in the 1400 block of Libold Dr. advised from Fox Run towards golf course there was a purple Honda Civic with two males and the passenger was a 17-year-old Hispanic male running through the backyard on foot. Unknown direction of travel or could not provide clothing description. Officers made location and secured the home and area. Unable to locate car or male on foot in the area.
12:00 PM – Male and female in the 200 block of E. College Ave. having an argument. Officer made contact with both parties and everything was okay.
2:25 PM – Complainant in the 200 block of E. College Ave. requested an officer come speak to a couple next to sidewalk who wouldn’t leave the area. Officer made location and parties departed.
6:25 PM – Officers dispatched to IH-35 exit 124 SB in reference to an oversized load whose air brakes went out, blocking the exit. Officers provided traffic control.
7:48 PM – Complaint of a white Toyota Tundra going in and out of traffic on IH-35 SB; unable to locate.
10:15 PM – Report of a wrong-way driver on Hwy. 132 N. Vehicle ran into Devine, vehicle ran into Ace Hardware store. The male driver was found to be intoxicated and was jailed.
June 13
11:30 AM – Officers dispatched to the 200 block of CR 7710 in reference to a disturbance between a male and his girlfriend. Parties separated prior to officers’ arrival.
6:00 PM – Officer dispatched to IH-35 SB in reference to a gold Trail Blazer all over the road; unable to locate.
7:07 PM – Officers dispatched to IH-35 NB in reference to a black Nissan Altima break checking others and running them off the roadway; unable to locate.
June 14
1:00 AM – Officer dispatched to the 800 block of Tilley Dr. in reference to several vehicles being parked along Tilley near Watson causing a traffic hazard. Caller almost had wreck when pulling into intersection. Upon arrival, only two trucks were on Tilley. Contact was made to get a vehicle moved completely off the roadway.
2:24 AM – Report of a verbal altercation between two females in the back parking lot in the 500 block of S. Teel Dr. that turned physical. Subjects left prior to officers’ arrival.
3:28 PM – Complainant at Walmart reported his vehicle was damaged at the location.
9:57 PM – Complainant in the 1100 block of Dove Ave. reported a kid’s toy left at front door. Complainant thought it was suspicious.
June 15
1:08 PM – Complainant advised there was a water hose connected to the City park on N. Windy Knoll Dr. and wanted someone to check on it. Officer made location and Public Works was on location performing maintenance to the park.
3:43 PM – A storage unit at Storage Solutions Plus was broken into and items were taken.
June 16
3:15 PM – Report of debris in the roadway on IH-35 NB. Officer made location and removed the debris.
8:02 PM – Report of solicitors in the area of the 600 block of Howell Ave; unable to locate.
June 17
3:50 AM – A vehicle door was open in the 200 block of W. Benton Ave. Officer made contact with owner; all appeared okay.
10:43 AM – Possible intoxicated male subject sitting at a vehicle at a gas pump in the 100 block of S. Teel Dr. The subject was ID’d and found to be intoxicated. Subject was transported to Southwest General Hospital.
12:15 PM – Complainant reported a black Camero with paper plates was speeding; unable to locate.
1:20 PM – Complainant in the 300 block of W. Park Ave. advised that she was assaulted by her boyfriend earlier that day.
2:10 PM – A male subject was run over by a garbage truck in the 300 block of W. Malone Ave. Assisted by DPS.
3:54 PM – Vehicle fob with a silver key chain was found at Victory Car Wash.
6:25 PM – Officer dispatched to Oakhill Dr. in reference to 18-wheelers parked on the wrong side of the roadway. No trucks were blocking view for traffic; all was okay.
June 18
2:59 AM – The interior light of a business in the 200 block of N. Teel Dr. was on that was not normally on. All windows and doors appeared secure.
5:21 PM – A male subject assaulted his girlfriend and was jailed.
11:20 PM – An adult male subject in the 400 block of S. Transportation Dr. was transported to Southwest General Hospital for an emergency detention.