Warhorse hoops hit the pavement to Decatur Tourney Dec. 5-7

#0 Mason Beaver runs past

Team-traveling is more than just basketball

Jerel Beaty
Staff writer
Warhorse hoops fans get the opportunity to travel up I35 to Decatur this weekend to catch Devine Basketball compete in the James Woods Invitational at Decatur High School December 5, 6, and 7.
The Horses are in Pool B and take on Pottsboro at 3:30pm Thursday before ending the day against host Decatur at 6:30pm. Pool-play results determine Devine’s opponent and game time for Friday and Saturday tipoffs.
As for hitting the road for a few games, there is something about packing up a bunch of teenage boys into a school bus and heading off to a distant high school gym that screams character-building-goldmine as playing a basketball tournament in an unfamiliar location against unknown opponents is one of the best things that can happen to a high school team.
Traveling forces players to spend time together in ways that a home game does not. On the road, they share meals, playlists, and inside jokes. They figure out who is the loudest snorer, who can recite a specific episode of The Simpson’s word for word, and exactly…

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