Devine Veterans of Foreign Wars 125th Anniversary Golf Tournament

VFW Post 3966 of Devine will hold a golf tournament at the Devine Golf Course on Saturday, Dec 7th for the 125th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Veterans of Foreign Wars was founded on September 29, 1899 for the purpose of helping disabled and needy veterans.
The tournament format will be a four-man scramble with registration starting at 10:30 am and a shot gun start at noon. Entry fee is $120 per person which includes green fees, ½ cart, 2 mulligans and a meal. Maximum handicap for men is 18, for women, it is 24
Prizes for the first, second and third place teams will be $1000, $750 and $500 based on a minimum of 12 teams, (48 players).
You can sign up to play at the golf course or by contacting Gary Saathoff at Phone: 210-289-6204 or email:
To make payment or for more information contact Gary Saathoff
We hope to see you on December 7th as we celebrate 125 years of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Fore!