Who in the heck wants to wear shorts and T-shirts in the middle of December? I’m looking for some more cold weather and even some snow. Got winter clothes that need to be used. Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas in front of us. Gives us another chance to spend time with friends and family.
Another Commissioners Court meeting that was lacking in substance. …renewed insurance, approved some subdivisions, reduced some speed limits and cancelled the December 30th meeting. Guess we’ll get back to normal after the Christmas holidays.
I have not been able to get hold of the tree trimming service operating in our area and have more mulch delivered to our yard. Still trying. We still have the trailer available for those of you what want to get rid of old tires. Bring them to the yard on SH 173 between 7 AM and 5 PM Monday thru Thursday.
We are still getting calls for dead animals. Since we moved to the Hwy 173 location, we no longer have a place to bury the carcasses and will not be able to remove and dispose of the remains. If possible, we can move the remains but…no promises.
I got one man out for a month recovering from knee replacement surgery, two others with planned procedures in January, one that took off the month of December and got 2 new men that were recently hired. Kinda short handed during the next 90 days or so. Bear with us a little. We are busy but, our production is lagging.
The wrecker solution to the dumpster problem is working. Picked up another one last week and the problem has seemed to go away.
After watching cars back up after school on Bentson waiting for an opening on 173, I was wondering why people don’t just turn north (toward the High School), make a U turn around the school or Morales Feed store and come back south? That would beat waiting in line behind school buses and other vehicles who are determined to turn toward town on 173 no matter how long the wait. It’s pretty bad for an hour or so. None of my business…just sayin.
Gonna lay off the Democratic Administration for a while…they’re self-destructing on their own. I have been neglecting it for a while but, go visit someone you aint seen in a while…particularly the older folks. Some of us aren’t old, we’re just well used. Remember what Christmas is about…not just the gifts and parties.