What a meager week of police activity. We had a whopping 34 calls for police service and officers conducted 14 traffic stops. Of those 14 stops, 11 were issued citations and 3 were given warnings. This would lead me to two conclusions; people don’t call the police when it rains (or might rain) and officers tend to not stop cars when it rains (or might rain).
We didn’t have any property crimes reported. This could be because crooks don’t like to work when it rains (or might rain) and since the officers aren’t stopping cars as much they are patrolling more heavily. We also didn’t arrest anybody this past week……our handcuffs surely will need oiling after all this rain and lack of use.
I provide the numbers and comment on various crime trends in our community. What you see here weekly are my ideas and theories on crime and criminals. I have no scientific data to support anything I say or do, truth is a lot of my thoughts and ideas just come to me as I am typing away. One thing is for sure, I will always give the most accurate data we have and provide it in a timely manner to the community. As citizens you should expect nothing less.
We had an interesting call to the police station last week; yes the IRS has us in their sights. The caller told Paola, our administrative assistant, that they had a warrant for our arrest. Yes, we too get those pesky calls threatening arrest if we don’t send some money right away. The IRS doesn’t call and tell you they have an arrest warrant for you, hang up on those bothersome callers.
The annual Lytle VFW Freedom Walk was cancelled, I know a lot of people were looking forward to seeing me in my new spandex bike patrol uniform. Oh well, there is always next year.
Well Natalia pulled off a win against Lytle this last Thursday night, it was moved up a day because of the rain. Luckily any friendly bets I had with anyone would be void since our agreed upon game was the varsity game on Friday night. So I won’t be wearing any Natalia FB Jersey to work just in case anybody asks.