This past school year brought great excitement and friendships for me! I was asked to teach Forensic Science and Disaster Response, at the High School!
After many hours of studying myself I was able to teach the students that wanted to be there some very special things! I would like to thank our Sheriff’s Department for sending not one but 2 officers to talk with my Forensic classes! Also, the Firefighters and the Chief G. Atkinson for coming to my Disaster Response class and certifying several students in FEMA and CERT! These certificates will go on the student’s records! They were also certified in Stop the Bleed and some are ready for their certification in CPR! Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! Pictured are: MCSO K9 officer Jerry Thomas and former MCSO Deputy Ricky Delgado. Also Fire Chief Atkinson and Eugene Sanchez for the time spent with us!