This year’s summer reading challenge begins on Friday, June 1 and logs may be picked up at the circulation desk in the library. This year all logs will be time based and will require that kids read 300 minutes (5 hrs) per log. With each completed log they will receive a raffle ticket to be placed in the raffle for a prize they want to win. Prize packages will be on display in the library beginning June 1.
This year the reading challenge will be divided into 3 levels, with medals being given for each level completed. The first level requires the completion of 3 logs (15 hrs of reading), the second level requires the completion of 5 logs (25 hrs of reading) and the third level requires the completion of 8 logs (40 hrs of reading). The readers will have 8 weeks to complete all levels.
Programming opens on Wednesday, June 13 with a movie matinee featuring Ferdinand (PG, 108 min) – Ferdinand is a young bull who escapes from a training camp in rural Spain after his father never returns from a showdown with a matador. Adopted by a girl who lives on a farm, Ferdinand’s peaceful existence comes crashing down when the authorities return him to his former captors. With help from a wisecracking goat and three hedgehogs, the giant but gentle bovine must find a way to break free before he squares off against El Primero, the famous bullfighter who never loses.
Community Center doors open at 12:45 pm for seating and the movie begins at 1:00 pm. Thank you to H.E.B. for providing all the snacks for this summer’s movies.
Thursday, June 14 we host magician/comedian Spikey Mikey. His I Love to Read! program is a funny, interactive program that encourages kids to read by showing how valuable reading can be, both for fun and for careers later in life.The program uses audience interaction, magic, music, squeaky clean humor, and visual, fun props to encourage your students to have good character, use good judgment, and respect the rights and feelings of others and become avid readers. The doors will open at 12:45 pm for seating and the show begins at 1:00 pm.