Mission Devine kicked off this week with 120 volunteers are hard at work all over the area. Three of the 31 projects were finished the first day alone.
“What is Mission Devine really about? It doesn’t take long to watch the volunteers at Mission Devine to see how much they LOVE people and our community,” said Mission Devine volunteer Heather Yanta. “I have never participated in a Mission Devine week that I didn’t sit back in awe and tear up as I watched young and old cross denominational lines to give their time and effort to help others. I learn something new each year and grow in my appreciation for this community and the work that God is doing here. Thank you all for inspiring and encouraging me time and again.”
This only happens once a year, and it’s not too late to join the crews this Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday!
“If you’ve never been a part of Mission Devine, jump on in!” Yanta adds.
Volunteers will continue to be needed through Saturday, June 16. You can work one day or as many days as you want.
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, and engineer, or a master tradesman, you just have to be you. Someone can use your help, so join Mission Devine! Help your neighbor, make new friends, and be a part of something wonderful. Call 830-931-1532 for more information. You may also contact Heather Yanta via Facebook.