Want to make a difference and offer your voice in the library and in the community? Then, join us at the Driscoll Public Library as a member of our Teen Library Club!
What is the Teen Library Club (TLC)?
A TLC is a group teens who are committed to helping the library and the community. TLCC members participate in and influence the functioning of the library, especially for teen programming. TLC is a great way to have your opinions and suggestions heard.
What is required of a TLC member?
TLC members must be in grades 7 through 12.
Must be able to commit to at least one hour each month for monthly board meetings.
Help plan future events or services for teens, and work toward making the library a teen-friendly space.
Members are expected to participate in library programs, volunteer time to work special projects, and help make sure teen focused events run smoothly.
Recommend books for our YA collection.
Act as ambassadors for the library by getting others involved and sharing our events.
Create an inviting atmosphere for the teens in our community.
What are the benefits of being a TLC member?
Members can earn community service hours for meetings and programs they help run.
TLC involvement looks great on college or job applications
Members have influence on teen centered programs.
Free snacks at TLC meetings.
If you are interested in participating in the Driscoll Public Library Teen Library Club, please complete the attached forms and return them to the Library circulation desk or email it to driscoll.library@gmail.com. All applications will be accepted, but we want to get to know a little more about you.
If you have any questions about the program or application, feel free to email us at driscoll.library@gmail.com the or call the Driscoll Public Library at 830-663-2993, and ask for Stacy Pyron.
Teen Library Club Application
Please print neatly. Applications will not be considered if we cannot read them.
Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:
Grade Level:
What is the best way to contact you?
Do you have a Driscoll Public Library card?
How often do you use the Library? What prevents you from using it more?
Why do you want to be in the Teen Library Club?
What are some programs or projects that you think teens might enjoy at the Library? (Such as movie nights, craft/art classes, book clubs, anime/cosplay clubs, etc…)
What do you like to read? What was the last book you read?
Are you willing to review books or movies for publication at the Library or elsewhere?
What are some of your hobbies or interests? (Please include sports or clubs.)
Do you have any special talents or skills you think would be useful as a member of the Teen Library Club?
Are you willing to volunteer during non-teen oriented programs at the library?
How would you make the library more appealing to teens?
What do you think is the most challenging issue teens face today?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Can you commit to meeting once a month for TLC meetings? What might prevent you from attending meetings?
Applicant Signature:________________________________
Parent/Guardian Information
Phone Number:
Parents, would you like to receive TLC updates via email? YES / NO
I am aware that my teen is applying to join the Driscoll Public Library Teen Library Club, and am giving him or her my permission to do so.
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________
Image Release Permission
Photos, video, or other creative materials may be used for promotional purposes by the library and its partners. By participating, you consent, waive all rights to royalties, and release us of any liabilities.
I,___________________________________________, authorize the Driscoll Public Library to use my photo/image/video and name, or that of my child, in any promotional materials, both in print and online. I understand no payment is due to me for such usage.
(Signature of TLC applicant)
(Parent/Guardian signature)