Christmas is upon us; this year really flew by. I guess to say there was a lot going on would be an understatement. Our officers handled 47 calls for service last week, so the call volume has remained on the low side.
We did not arrest anyone last week and only handled two property crimes. Unfortunately, we had a burglary of a building. It occurred either late on Monday, Dec. 14th, or in the early hours of Tuesday, Dec. 15th. An unknown person forced entry into the Lytle Vet Clinic on Main St. (on the south end of town). The crook got away with 2 Dell laptops, 1 iPhone, 5 blue walkie-talkies, and a large number of pet vaccines and medications. We believe it was one person working alone and that they were on foot or a bicycle. Please contact us if you have any information that may help solve this crime. Our second property crime occurred at the H.E.B. Plus, a guy was intent on pushing out a basket full of stuff (valued at $119, so it wasn’t too full). When confronted he fled, basketless, before the police could arrive.
So that is the week in review. The biggest problem I had was running the electric paper folding machine. Paola, our administrative assistant, is out of the office this week. I compiled the quarterly newsletter, made the copies, and now all I had to do was use the folding machine. I have watched Paola do it for years; it looked really simple. Well, it is not as easy as it looks, that thing got away from me, and was shooting folded newsletters all over the place. Ofc. David Lopez decided to give it a try and he had the same result. We finally figured out a routine and were able to get 1,400 letters folded. It reminded me of that I Love Lucy candy factory scene if anyone remembers that.
Merry Christmas from Lytle Police Department….