On Monday, May 15, the Huajilla Unit of Texas Retired Teachers Association met in Devine at the Triple C Restaurant. Irene Dubberly welcomed all the to final meeting of the year. Diana Bush submitted the minutes from the prior meeting and Sam Dubberly gave the treasurer’s report. Committee reports followed.
Lewis Stroud, Devine member, carried out the Installation of Officers of the Huajilla Unit TRTA coming year. They are as follows: President – Irene Dubberly, 1st Vice Pres – Lola Hill, 2nd Vice Pres – Kathy Carlson, Secretary – Diana Bush, Treasurer – Sam Dubberly, and Parliamentarian – Thomas Fillinger.
Special Recognition Awards were given to members. They are as follows: David Park for the gift of his local honey; Pat Havel for unusual service, Jeanice Zinsmeyer-Dube for her dedication to education and retirees, and Kenneth Hanson for timely legislative updates each received an Appreciation Award; Julie Becker at Hill Country Herald and Diane Cosgrove from the Hondo Anvil Herald received the Bell Ringer Award for outstanding media coverage; Ruth Davis got the 21st Century Award for her philanthropic support; Bruce Simpson was awarded the ABCD Award; Mary Jean Lilie received a Special Membership Award; Judith Jopling received the Community Volunteer Award for having the top volunteer hours with 2999 hours.
Each One Bring One is TRTA’s call to all retired educators to reach out to just one new or renewing member. The executive board will be working this summer on planning for recruitment, programs and the compilation of the unit’s yearbook for the coming year. The Audit Committee will also complete its audit and required paperwork required by the State TRTA office.
Kenneth Hanson informed members of the legislative issues in progress at the Capitol in Austin. Door prizes were drawn and upon adjournment, members were asked to share stories of “Kid Say the Funniest Things” before enjoying a buffet lunch. Any member interested in attending the Summer Leadership Development Conference in Floresville on June 1 were asked to contact Irene Dubberly before May 20. Additional photos and other timely information will appear on the unit’s Facebook page.