Devine Garden Club hosts Hondo representative

May Meeting
May 25th, at 11:30 a.m. will be the next meeting of the Devine Garden Club. This meeting is our annual Salad Luncheon, provided by our hostesses, Sondra Rackley and Susan Schott. The place is the Rackley home at 522 Wedgewood Drive, Devine, Texas. The program will be the Installation of Officers for 2017-2018 and will be conducted by Judy Boehmer, member. Visitors are always welcome.
April Meeting Report
The April meeting of the Devine Garden Club was held in the Sinclair home with hostesses Laura Sinclair and Dorothy Saunders presiding. The hostesses served an array of delicious refreshments to the members and several guests present. The program, “Public Gardens”, created and presented by Sandra Hall, Hondo Garden Club, was a beautiful slide show of “Chihuly in the Desert” and “Psalms 104”. Judy Boehmer presented an informative Good to Grow on the benefits of bone meal in the garden. During the business meeting, new officers for the 2017-2018 were elected, a new standing rule was approved, and reports were given on both our successful Plant/Rummage Sale, and the District VII Spring Convention. Also, special thanks were given to our members, Alma Horvath, Judy Boehmer, and Sarah McAlpin for the beautiful Easter Crosses, which adorned the Four Corners area.
Although the club does not meet during the summer months, the Executive Committee will be busy planning our next club year in which we will celebrate our 70th Anniversary. Stay tuned for information on this milestone year.