The Friendship Art Club begins the new year with its January business meeting on Tuesday, January 14. The group meets at the Lytle Church of Christ and shares a potluck luncheon, hosted by Sally Lewis and Shirley Friesenhahn.
The program will be a critique by George Rodriguez, manager of Jerry’s Artarama in San Antonio. He will offer constructive composition tips based on members’ art work. The focus will be primarily art work previously judged in the September art show; however members are encouraged to bring other pieces.
New officers for 2020 have been elected and will assume their duties in January. The slate includes Roberta Andrews, president; Jane Brown, vice-president; Sally Lewis, secretary; Carolyn Muennick, treasurer; Mary Killough, historian; Rosemary Jones, photographer; and Liz Bendele, Sunshine Lady. Plans are in progress for monthly programs and organizing standing committees.
Members of the art club meet every Tuesday morning at the Lytle Church of Christ to paint, draw and share. Visitors are welcome. Members display their work at Naomi’s Restaurant in Lytle. For further information, please call Jane Brown, 210-415-2546.