The Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association is holding an annual membership drive for all former students and teachers who attended school in Devine. DExSTA is the local alumni organization for former students and teachers that attended or taught school in Devine.
The mission of the association is three-fold: Preserving the Past of Devine schools through photos and memorabilia in the archives; Celebrating the Present by reuniting former classmates and teachers during their annual Homecoming festivities held each fall; and Promoting the Future through their scholarship program for graduating seniors at Devine High School.
For more information about the organization and Homecoming activities, or to become a member, you can view the Facebook page – Devine Ex-Student/Teacher Association (DExSTA) or contact any DExSTA board member, including Nancy Ehlinger Saathoff ’75 at gnsaathoff@aol.com or 210-289-6205. *We will send you membership forms and Homecoming information as needed.
Yearly membership is only $10 per person and now there is a lifetime membership for $100. Send your check to DExSTA at PO Box 586, Devine, Tx. 78016.
“Make plans to join us for Devine Homecoming 2018 on September 28-29!”