To mark a decade together, The P.R.E.S.E.N.T.E.R.S. Homeschool Drama Troupe, which normally performs plays, created a feature-length film, Making History: A Documentary of a Documentary. Nearly 300 people attended the premiere at the Raye Theater in Hondo on August 7, and ticket sales raised over $400 for a local non-profit, HANK, Inc. (Helping Abused and Neglected Kids).
Making History is written by Stephanie Schoellman, Shelby Green, Samuel Green, and Nathan Nash and directed by Stephanie Schoellman and Ethan Yanta. It is a feature-length comedy of errors mockumentary about a film crew attempting to document a documentary about the highlights of history from B.C. to Y2K.
Production was made possible through the generous donations of local businesses, and continued support of the First Methodist Church of Hondo and the First Baptist Church of Hondo. The cast, who range in age from 12 to 18, doubled as crew and were responsible for acquiring funding. They filmed the entire movie in and around Medina County, capturing local charm on an iPad and editing the footage in iMovie.
The P.R.E.S.E.N.T.E.R.S., which stands for Plotting Renaissance Experts Showstopping Encoring and Theatrically Endangering Reality Seasonally, are selling DVDs of Making History for a donation of five dollars. Contact Heather Yanta at 210-913-9665 to place your order. All excess funds benefit HANK, Inc.
By Stephanie Schoellman