Feb. 8
2:35 PM – Suspicious vehicle parked off roadway on IH-35 SB. Driver side window down.
8:15 PM – Complainant wanted to report a red Mustang seen driving up and down DuBose Dr. with lights off. Last seen traveling toward cemetery.
8:18 PM – Officer located Mustang. Vehicle had expired registration of 9/18 and the driver did not have a valid license. Vehicle impounded.
11:04 PM – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of DuBose Dr. in reference to a Mustang idling outside a residence. Unable to locate; all was okay.
Feb. 9
12:01 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. The driver was found to have a suspended license and was cited and released.
5:15 PM – Officers dispatched to the 100 block of N. Commercial Dr. in reference to two males in the street possibly trying to fight. All was okay.
Feb. 10
11:30 AM – Officer assisted the Medina County Sheriff’s Office with a suspicious person on IH-35 because deputies were tied up. Unable to locate.
12:29 PM – A male tried to get in complainant’s vehicle while complainant was in it on S. Transportation Dr. The male had been assaulted. Male refused to cooperate and refused medical treatment.
Feb. 11
11:34 AM – Theft of salt shakers from two tables at a restaurant in the 500 block of E. Hondo Ave. was caught on camera. Contact was made with the suspect and the property was recovered. No charges filed.
2:21 PM – 18-wheeler parked on roadway, unable to see oncoming traffic on Zig Zag. Contact was made with the driver and the truck was moved.
3:49 PM – Complainant in the 1400 block of Libold Dr. advised 18-wheeler driving fast through cross walk during School Zone hours.
3:31 PM – An adult male in the 600 block of Tilley Dr. was taken to Southwest General Hospital for an emergency detention.
Feb. 13
2:40 AM – Vehicle pulled in front of residence in the 100 block of Howard Wallace and no one exited. Officers made contact with occupants due to time of morning. All was okay; subject was dropping off resident.
10:30 AM – Emergency detention on an adult female in the 900 block of Zig Zag. The subject was transported to Southwest General Hospital.
6:37 PM – Officer dispatched to N. Windy Knoll Dr. in reference to a maroon car with a female inside possibly smoking crack with two kids inside the vehicle. Officer patrolled the area; unable to locate.
Feb. 14
11:10 PM – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of DuBose in reference to a black Mustang idling in front of the residence blacked out. Unable to locate.