The next meeting of the Devine Garden Club will be Thursday, March 28, 3:00 p.m. in the Sinclair home, 610 Jack Nicklaus, Devine, Texas. Special speaker for this meeting will be Mr. Brady Yecker, Horticulturist, whose topic will be “Creating Butterfly Gardens.” Hostess for this meeting will be Laura Sinclair and Dorothy Saunders. Good to Grow will be presented by Peggy Cooper and auction item by Laura Sinclair. Visitors are always welcome; please join us for this informative program. Mr. Yecker will also answer any garden questions you might have.
Life Members of District VII Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Devine Garden Club is proud to announce that at the December meeting, we honored two of our long-time members with Life-time Memberships into the District VII Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. It was our honor to bestow memberships to Wanda Gardner and Mary Howard, both former presidents and active members of our club. Thank you ladies for setting the standards and goals of this club and for being wonderful examples for others to follow.
District VII Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. Spring Convention
The Devine Garden Club was well represented at the annual Spring Convention held at the San Antonio Women’s Center. The following ladies attended: Miriam Garcia, Elsa Rodrigues, Sondra Rackley, Susan Schott, and Susan Wisenbaker. The club came home with several awards for: President’s Report, Yearbook, and Scrapbook. Also, during this meeting, Elsa Rodrigues and Miriam Garcia received their lifetime memberships to District VII Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. All the ladies reported that they enjoyed the day very much.
Enjoy Devine’s bountiful wildflower crop and don’t forget to buy some of our wildflower seed balls at our upcoming Spring Plant and Rummage Sale on April 6.