The Consumer Decision Making contest took place this past Saturday, February 15th at the San Antonio Stock Show. Medina County took nine teams, two being from Devine. The Jr. Team (Rozlyn Courtade, Collier Paige, Charlie Stricker and George Villa) placed 7th in the SALE contest and 3rd in District 10 4-H. Our Sr. Team (Pauline Calame, Corinne Fowler, Sidney Weyel, and Caitlyn Breiten) did well for their first time placing 25th in SALE with 120 competitors. In this judging contest, they are given four products to place in the best order based on the scenario; this involves true comparison shopping and knowledge on what to look for in each product. In addition seniors also gave reasons on two of the classes. Classes judged were headphones, fitness trackers, bluetooth car kits, sunglasses, camp stoves, and tablets.